YouTube Jewelry Training Videos

Author: Cynthia Clearwater Had to lay off the bench for a couple weeks due to a hand injury, so I spent some time on YouTube seeking out jewelry training videos. Here are some of the ones I found helpful. Just type into the YouTube search block the words in quote marks below. I’m sure there […]
New Opportunities #4

Throughout the year, countless calls for artists and professional opportunities are listed online. It can be incredibly hard to keep track of each and every one of them… so here is MAG’s recent round up. Enjoy! Grants, Awards, Residencies, and Scholarships MJSA Vision Awards Deadline: April 4, 2017 2017 Elizabeth R. Raphael Founder’s Prize Award […]
Becoming a Precision Diamond Setter

by Oakley Parsons In February 2016 I traveled to London, England, for a week-long Advanced Micro-setting Masterclass taught by Alexander Sidorov, a renowned Optical Diamond Setter. My trip to London was another step in my journey to become a specialist in Precision Diamond Setting; the next step will be a three-month course later in the year […]
On the Business of Being…an Artist – First Stop – Flying

By Alison Antelman Every year around mid December I start to contemplate the past and future of my business. What went well and where can I improve? What aspects of my business have I not touched upon and what can I do about it? It’s an end of the year assessment and nit picking that […]